And whereas, Sikkim, the first organic State of India nestles in the Eastern Himalayan region. It is the second smallest State in the country with an area of 7,096 km2 where lies the third largest peak, mount Kanchenjunga.
The Indian Solar Atlas released by the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE)
under its Solar Radiation Resource Assessment (SRRA) Programme. The annual irradiation
observed in Gangtok SRRA Station was 1600 kWh/m2. The estimated solar potential
in Sikkim by National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) is 4.94 gigawatt peak (GWp),
despite the low irradiation level from cloud cover and rain.
1. Linkhim Tar, South Sikkim, 1.5MW
2. Karthok , Pakyong, East Sikkim, 2.5MW
1. Police Outposts in Sikkim: 58kWp
2. Solar Street Lights: 20600 nos.
3. Solar Home Lights: 10000 nos.
Four wind monitoring stations are set up :
1. Assangthang, Namchi South Sikkim.
2. Thangu, North Sikkim.
3. Gnathang in East Sikkim.
4. Sadam South Sikkim.
Upon the latest wind resource assement carried out by NIWE Sikkim has a potential of 2GW of wind energy potential in Sikkim.
1. Tarey Bhir, Saddam, South Sikkim
2. Lachen, North Sikkim.
3. Lachung, North Sikkim.